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1. What is Karma?

In this section, we will talk about what Karma exactly is, what is its significance, its different types and everything around this topic.


Karma (कर्म) is a physical entity/substance in the universe that governs every phenomena around us.

One is born Rich and other is Poor. Why? Some are genius, while some are average. We face hard times and good times. Why? Why we are humans and that dog is born as a dog? Why not everytime things happen as we wish even after so much efforts?

Is it all just Luck or randomness? No.

It is Karma. The Karmas, done by you in the past.

But the question is; Is it just abstract?

Types of Karmas

Karma is classified into 3 major types:

  1. Dravya Karma (Karmic particles in nature)
  2. Bhaav Karma (feelings)
  3. No-Karma (body and everything we see around us)

Karma Theory is unique to Jainism. Here, "Karma" doesn't mean "work" in this context. Karma has a physical existence; as a special type of atom (parmanu) in the Universe. Yes, and thus Karma isn't something abstract or a theory or a belief!

Sadly, everyone on Internet have abused this word a lot into random motivation posts and what not. But now, it is the time for gaining the right knowledge about it!

1. Dravya Karma

Dravya-Karma are the real matter particles. Like there are atoms of plastic, wood, chemicals; Karmic particles ("Karman Vargana" - one of the 22 subatomic particles defined in Jainism. You can understand Vargana as a molecule i.e. group of bonded karmic atoms) is also a real partciple and exists as a physicality. Yes, you read it right. It is a type of particle!

But unlike other matter particles we are able to around, Karmic particles cannot be seen or perceived by senses or man-made instruments because of their infinitesimal minuteness (10 ^ -inf order size).

Like the matter atoms bind with other atoms, these special type of karmic-particles can bind to the Soul too. These are 8 types of Dravya Karmas.

2. Bhaav Karma

Bhaav-Karma is the feelings of Raag and Dwesh (attachment and aversion) which are developed by soul on involving its conscience with material objects.

"To feel" and "To know" are some of the core properties of the Soul (any living organism is Soul). Like matter have properties of mass, physicality, color etc. The Soul has the property to "Feel", "Perceive" etc. Read more about 6 fundamental substances here.

In reality, the Soul's innate characteristic is infinite knowledge and eternal bliss. But because we are constantly finding happiness in temporary materials, we are never able to get bliss and thus, the suffering. We undergo these "Bhaav karmas" (attachment and aversion) when engaging ourselves to materialistic pleasures.

If the Soul is free from "Raag-Dwesh" (attachment-detachment), then Bhaav-Karma won't happen! And this is the path of salvation.

3. No Karma

No-karma is whatever we see around us, the so-called accumulated material substances by us. Everything that we are surrounded by are examples of No-karma. Body, shelter, amenities, mobile phones, food, country, and cumulatively anything from the Universe we come in contact with.


Adding to this, we have rightly realized that the Karma Philosophy isn't just a mere raw theory. There is detailed explanation about mathematics and physics about atomic bonding, how they are binded, complex calculations about the formation of karmic-particle molecules (skandh), etc. are available in Jainism Scriptures.

In Next section, we will discuss about The Karmic Cycle.